Love Quotes In The Bible

love quotes in the bible

    in the

  • (in this) therein: (formal) in or into that thing or place; “they can read therein what our plans are”
  • Overview (total time = 00:29:39), I cover some definitions of lean, its roots in the Toyota Production System, and how resource planning and lean work together.
  • “steady state” thermal values obtained from laboratory testing, it is assumed that temperatures at both sides of a wall are constant and remain constant for a period of time, unlike what actually occurs in normal conditions.


  • Repeat a passage from (a work or author) or statement by (someone)
  • Mention or refer to (someone or something) to provide evidence or authority for a statement, argument, or opinion
  • (quote) quotation mark: a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else
  • (quote) repeat a passage from; “He quoted the Bible to her”
  • Repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker
  • (quote) name the price of; “quote prices for cars”


  • a book regarded as authoritative in its field
  • The Christian scriptures, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments
  • the sacred writings of the Christian religions; “he went to carry the Word to the heathen”
  • The Jewish scriptures, consisting of the Torah or Law, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa or Writings
  • A copy of the Christian or Jewish scriptures
  • (biblical) of or pertaining to or contained in or in accordance with the Bible; “biblical names”; “biblical Hebrew”


  • a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; “his love for his work”; “children need a lot of love”
  • An intense feeling of deep affection
  • A deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone
  • A personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid
  • any object of warm affection or devotion; “the theater was her first love”; “he has a passion for cock fighting”;
  • have a great affection or liking for; “I love French food”; “She loves her boss and works hard for him”

love quotes in the bible – He Loves

He Loves Me! Learning to Live in the Father's Affection
He Loves Me! Learning to Live in the Father's Affection
Do you find yourself picking through circumstances like children plucking daisy petals attempting to figure out whether or not God loves you? If you find yourself least certain of his love in those critical moments when you most need to trust him, there is hope for you. Where? At the one event in human history that forever secured your place in the Father s hear–the cross where Jesus allowed sin and shame to be consumed in his own body so that you could freely embrace a relationship with his Father. There you will discover that what he always wanted was not the fearful subservience of slaves, but the loving affection of sons and daughters. If your spiritual life feels more like performance than freedom, like an empty ritual rather than a joyful journey, let Wayne help you discover a Father who loves you more than anyone on this planet ever has or ever will and how you can rest in the confidence of his affection for you through whatever circumstances you face.

Love is…

Love is...
1 Corinthians Ch 13

"Love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.

Love never fails….

…. and now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love".

Dreamworld 39/365

Dreamworld     39/365
I thought this was very creative. I know the quote is hard to see but its a quote from the Bible, James, i think. So i took that then took a picture of a daisy. This reminds that God is always there in everything we do, and if we need help, he’ll be there no matter what.

-Song by: Rilo Kiley-

love quotes in the bible

Lady in Waiting: Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right, Expanded Edition
You hold in your hands a fresh and exciting way to enhance your personal life and enrich your spiritual journey. This expanded edition of Lady in Waiting includes:

Original text of the best-selling book—complete and unabridged!

Complete Study Guide—-Learn how to apply the principles taught in Lady in Waiting. These questions, quotes, thoughts, and teachings will help you to become the woman of God that He designed you to be. You can also record your spiritual growth in a specially designed journal section. Don’t miss this opportunity to become God’s lady in waiting!

Forty-Day Meditational Journal—This section offers profound motivational truths from some of the greatest women of God in the history of the Church, with meditative readings to help you live in the presence of the Lord every day.

Quiet meditation, contemplative prayer, and careful study will help you receive the full benefit from spiritual truth–and this new edition assists with all three. When you give yourself to the Lord through the pages of this book, the spiritual truths you gain will bring you to new places in your experience with God and prepare you for deeper levels of loving relationships!